$ lein repl
(require '[clj-http.client :as client])
(client/get "http://asterdc:8080/api/v1/getfile?name=stream.10.log")
(client/get "http://asterdc:8080/api/v1/getfile?name=stream.10.log")
(def stream (client/get "http://node1:8080/api/v1/getfile?name=stream.10.log"))
(require '[clojure.data.json :as json])
user=> (type stream)
user=> (keys stream)
(:orig-content-encoding :trace-redirects :request-time :status :headers :body)
(:orig-content-encoding :trace-redirects :request-time :status :headers :body)
user=> (count (:body stream)) ;; count characters in body
user=> (get (.split (:body stream) "\n") 0) ;; get first body from array
"{\"id\":\"tag:search.twitter.com,2005:178204609083473921\",\"body\":\"RT @mikeanikevans: I am such a queer\",\"verb\":\"share\",\"link\":\"http://twitter.com/gthang42069/statuses/178204609083473921\",\"generator\":...{\"klout_score\":27}}\r"
"{\"id\":\"tag:search.twitter.com,2005:178204609083473921\",\"body\":\"RT @mikeanikevans: I am such a queer\",\"verb\":\"share\",\"link\":\"http://twitter.com/gthang42069/statuses/178204609083473921\",\"generator\":...{\"klout_score\":27}}\r"
user=> (get (json/read-str (get (.split (:body stream) "\n") 9)) "body")
"@MEMOZ809 No se :("
"@MEMOZ809 No se :("
user=> (keys (json/read-str (get (.split (:body stream) "\n") 9)))
("inReplyTo" "body" "postedTime" "twitter_entities" "gnip" "provider" "generator" "actor" "objectType" "link" "id" "verb" "object")
("inReplyTo" "body" "postedTime" "twitter_entities" "gnip" "provider" "generator" "actor" "objectType" "link" "id" "verb" "object")
# run topology from command line (no Storm runtime)
$ lein run -m fiat.topology/run!
lein clear
lein compile
lein jar
To run on a local cluster:
lein run -m fiat.topology/run!
# OR
lein run -m fiat.topology/run! debug false workers 10
To run on a distributed cluster:
lein uberjar
# copy jar to nimbus, and then on nimbus:
bin/storm jar path/to/uberjar.jar fiat.TopologySubmitter workers 30 debug false
lein run -m fiat.topology/run!
# OR
lein run -m fiat.topology/run! debug false workers 10
To run on a distributed cluster:
lein uberjar
# copy jar to nimbus, and then on nimbus:
bin/storm jar path/to/uberjar.jar fiat.TopologySubmitter workers 30 debug false
Install local Storm jars on master node
-DartifactId=storm -DgroupId=local -Dversion=
-Dpackaging=jar -Durl=file:repo
Install lein-localrepo per https://github.com/kumarshantanu/lein-localrepo
lein clean; lein deps; lein compile; lein uberjar
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