Friday, December 16, 2016

Orbiter 2016 - Delta Glider IV autopilot

ALT+1  PRO400SPEC01  Taxiing hold speed (maintain a speed of 10 m/s)
ALT+2  PRO400SPEC18  Aproach hold speed (maintain a speed of 180 m/s)
ALT+3  PRO400SPEC25  Flight hold speed (maintain a speed of 250 m/s)
ALT+4  PRO300SPEC0   Docking auto (Automatically dock your DGIV)
ALT+5  PRO110SPEC0   Atmospheric flight autopilot (heading, altitude &speed)
ALT+6  PRO903SPEC40  Earth ascent to low orbit. (normal take-off)
ALT+7  PR105SPEC40   Automatic reentry

PRO104SPEC40 Manual rentry (Hold attitude with selected AOA)
PRO105SPEC40 Auto reentry (keep a low temperature reentry profile)
PRO200SPEC7  Manual Hover
PRO200SPEC8  Auto Hover
PRO500SPEC0  Null relative speed in regard of a close object (in space only)
PRO904SPECnn Earth ascent autopilot with automatic hover take-off.
PRO905SPECnn Moon ascent autopilot with automatic hover take-off.
PRO906SPECnn Mars ascent autopilot with automatic hover take-off.

Launch Azimuth = arcsin (cos (desired_orbital_inclination) / cos (launch_ latitude))

KSC(28.591) to ISS (51.56) => 45.075°(PRO904SPEC45)

Merci beaucoup Dansteph.

Numpad thrusters (translation mode):

  • 0: hover +
  • .: hover -
  • 1: left
  • 2: up
  • 3: right
  • 4: (inactive)
  • 5: killrot
  • 6: forward
  • 7: (inactive)
  • 8: down
  • 9: retro

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

In the Spring Java framework, referencing autowired beans with session or request scope requires CGLIB proxies, e.g.:

@Scope(value = "request", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)

This in turn requires that unit and integration tests (e.g. JUnit or Spock) use
@WebAppConfiguration in their class declarations.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Quick and dirty: one-line FTP server (Python)

sudo pip install pyftpdlib

python -m pyftpdlib -w #(deprecated) 

sudo python -m pyftpdlib.ftpserver

Friday, February 12, 2016

Fast port scanning with nmap

Use nmap to test for listening services on a range of ports

nmap -sS --reason -T4 -p32000-32100

Explanation of arguments

-sS: TCP SYN scan. Also known as half-open scan. It requires root privileges (see -sT if this is an issue). It is fast, enabling testing of large numbers of ports (assuming high network bandwidth and absence of rate-limiting firewalls). It is unobtrusive since it does not complete TCP connections: it sends a SYN packet and checks the response. It allows clear differentiation between listening (a SYN/ACK response), not listening (a RST/reset response) or filtered (no response after retries).

--reason: Shows details regarding why each port is reported in the given state

-T<0-5>: Timing template.  The respective, equivalent text flags are instructive: paranoid (0), sneaky (1), polite (2), normal (3), aggressive (4), insane (5). Higher is faster. The default is normal (3), but it is often too slow in practice for large port ranges. Higher values must be used cautiously, as they can either stress or crash target systems or easily trigger intrusion detection systems. I have found T4 to be practical for routine systems diagnostics work. T4 is the equivalent of --max-rtt-timeout 1250ms --min-rtt-timeout 100ms --initial-rtt-timeout 500ms --max-retries 6. When scanning many ports on a reliable network, I override maximum retries to accelerate the scan with --max-retries=0.

-p: Port range

Hosts: Target hosts, represented as IP addresses, with a given host mask. In the example,, a single host is requested. A mask shorter than 32 bits designates ranges, e.g., includes through

Friday, January 15, 2016

More jq magic for JSON wrangling

Count number of JSON elements in an embedded array

Data out of an Elasticsearch aggregation result set: 

  "aggregations": {
    "flightdestination": {
      "buckets": [
          "sentiment": {
            "value": 2.1706734237483767
          "doc_count": 6931,
          "key": "newark"
          "sentiment": {
            "value": 2.17875893247776
          "doc_count": 6857,
          "key": "houston"


curl -s '$1_0/sentence/_search' -XGET --data "$(cat ~/query.json)" | jq '.aggregations.flightdestination.buckets | length'