Friday, December 16, 2016

Orbiter 2016 - Delta Glider IV autopilot

ALT+1  PRO400SPEC01  Taxiing hold speed (maintain a speed of 10 m/s)
ALT+2  PRO400SPEC18  Aproach hold speed (maintain a speed of 180 m/s)
ALT+3  PRO400SPEC25  Flight hold speed (maintain a speed of 250 m/s)
ALT+4  PRO300SPEC0   Docking auto (Automatically dock your DGIV)
ALT+5  PRO110SPEC0   Atmospheric flight autopilot (heading, altitude &speed)
ALT+6  PRO903SPEC40  Earth ascent to low orbit. (normal take-off)
ALT+7  PR105SPEC40   Automatic reentry

PRO104SPEC40 Manual rentry (Hold attitude with selected AOA)
PRO105SPEC40 Auto reentry (keep a low temperature reentry profile)
PRO200SPEC7  Manual Hover
PRO200SPEC8  Auto Hover
PRO500SPEC0  Null relative speed in regard of a close object (in space only)
PRO904SPECnn Earth ascent autopilot with automatic hover take-off.
PRO905SPECnn Moon ascent autopilot with automatic hover take-off.
PRO906SPECnn Mars ascent autopilot with automatic hover take-off.

Launch Azimuth = arcsin (cos (desired_orbital_inclination) / cos (launch_ latitude))

KSC(28.591) to ISS (51.56) => 45.075°(PRO904SPEC45)

Merci beaucoup Dansteph.

Numpad thrusters (translation mode):

  • 0: hover +
  • .: hover -
  • 1: left
  • 2: up
  • 3: right
  • 4: (inactive)
  • 5: killrot
  • 6: forward
  • 7: (inactive)
  • 8: down
  • 9: retro

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